February 21, 2025

Performancing Ends PayPerPost Deal

Posted by: of One By One Media on 01/4/07

According to Nick Wilson of Performancing.com, the proposed purchase of portions of Performancing.com has not come to fruition.  Nick stated in his post:

After much discussion, we’ve decided that the deal proposed by PayPerPost just isn’t right for us or our community. It’s regrettable that we should part ways as I still feel that Dan and Ted are stand up guys breaking new ground, but in the end, the deal was just not right for them or us.

In addition, Nick reports that Performancing is no longer going to support their metrics application and are releasing the software to the community for their use while Performancing continues to lend a hand where they can and to hosting the package.  In a classy move, Nick refers people to the new release of the Feedburner stats package which was just launched. I’m hoping to see a review of that service from a few of the contributors here.

Nick goes on to reveal the future of Performancing stating:

Well, more details to follow but the short story is that we will continue to develop Performancing Partners, our growing blog advertising network and focus the Performancing domain entirely to that end as well as our "grassroots" community — We’re proud of what we’ve helped build here, and want to continue to evolve, develop and help the community grow — the business of blogging isn’t always easy, but it’s easier when you can get some help from peers 🙂

Finally, it is stated that the Performancing blog editor for Firefox, now known as ScribeFire will launched separately under its own brand.  I think this is the perfect move for Performancing and a smart business decision to leverage this tool that has been adopted by a great number of bloggers both professional and amateur. 

I am going to try to follow up with Nick as this story progresses as I’m sure there will be more information that will be of interest to those in the blogging community. 

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4 comments for Performancing Ends PayPerPost Deal

  1. […] Original post by Yahoo News Converted to RSS .92 Formaat and software by Elliott Back […]

    Pingback by Blog For Business - Performancing Ends PayPerPost Deal Business Blog Consulting — January 5, 2007 @ 2:32 am

  2. […] Jim Turner has alerted everyone to something just announced — the proposed deal between Performancing and PayPerPost.com has fallen through! […]

    Pingback by Performancing, PayPerPost Deal Fails Through | Strategic Blogging — January 5, 2007 @ 9:21 am

  3. What no link love for me … jeez 😉

    Comment by Tris Hussey — January 5, 2007 @ 6:10 pm

  4. All of the information that you have provided on payperpost and internet sales strategies is right on the money. However, I have found a great resource, a guy named Jason Ryan Isaksen, who has some helpfull information on the topic of payperpost programs as well as other internet strategies that seem to put the odds in the favor of the individual marketer. I am testing out some of the techniques from Jason Ryan Isaksen, and so far most of my attempts have had a positive turn around, as far as the ROI when it comes to any of my sales attempts and payperpost strategies. I am very optimistic about the possabilities of payperpost marketing at this time, but Jason Ryan Isaksens strategies have proven to be very usefull. Have you ever heard of this guy, Jason Ryan Isaksen or any of his informational books on the topic of payperpost? Right now all of this seems way too good to be true, and you know what is said about that situation. I would like to get some feedback on this topic from you, or from any one elce who has had any kind of interaction or experience with Jason Ryan Isaksen or anything like this.

    Kayla D.

    Comment by Kayla D. — January 8, 2007 @ 3:25 pm

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