February 21, 2025

The Social Press Release At A Crossroad

Posted by: of One By One Media on 01/22/07

Tris Hussey today posted about a debate that has gone through the blogosphere like wildfire.  I too have been following this furor about the social press release and can see that it is clearly at a crossroad in its evolution.  I hear screams of kill the press release and others saying that the press release is not dead and each side has its own strong beliefs.  So as business blogging advocates where do we see the social media press release and what is its future?  I’m sure we could have numerous opinions within the small ranks here.

It seems that everyone has a different idea of how they want information to be presented.  The mainstream media has long had the press release in it’s bag of tricks, but with blogging becoming more and more of an information portal, their appears to be new players in the game that bring with them their own rules.  Bloggers want the information quickly and in such a way as to relay that information in a format that can be easily posted. I, like Tris, can see that a new animal will be launched soon with a new meaning and with different rules.  Until that time the debate continues and I will be sitting back to see the lines drawn in the sand.  What side of the line do you stand on and where do you see the social media press release finishing?

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3 comments for The Social Press Release At A Crossroad

  1. […] Original post by Yahoo News Converted to RSS .92 Formaat and software by Elliott Back […]

    Pingback by Blog For Business - The Social Press Release At A Crossroad Business Blog Consulting — January 22, 2007 @ 2:54 pm

  2. We’ve been using the social media press release format as long as anyone and I can tell you that there’s more value in a multimedia/RSS/Tag/Social bookmark enabled press release for search engine optimization and direct to consumer “Pull PR” than there is for getting real world media attention.

    Comment by Lee Odden — January 22, 2007 @ 4:17 pm

  3. I think press releases still work great. They provide a good opportunity to get publicity on news sites and lots of traffic too.
    Marketing links

    Comment by Fred — March 9, 2007 @ 2:19 am

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