February 21, 2025

Want a Traffic Spike? Link to Google’s Blog.

This morning I wrote a post on my blog called “Bush No Longer a Miserable Failure, Claims Google.” It was in reaction to Google’s new algorithm that defuses “Google Bombs.

At the bottom I linked to the post on Google’s blog that goes into more detail about what they did and why. (Whoops! I did it again!)

At the bottom of the post they have a section called “Links to this post” which has…wait for it…links to that post.

About a third of my traffic so far this morning is from that Google post, obviously from the blog’s readers.


  • A spike in traffic is not the same thing as a spike in business.
  • Don’t link to the Google blog unless you’re adding to the conversation.
  • I’m not seeing a hard coded link to my blog from this page, so you’re probably not gaining any PageRank.

This isn’t the first time I’ve gotten this reaction from linking to Google’s blog. To make the most out of it, you probably want to get your link in their early, while there’s still a lot of people coming to that post.

Alternatively, you could link to it late, and hope few people link after you, pushing you down the list.

Like any other technique, this is easily abused. Use it only for good, my young padawan.

4 comments for Want a Traffic Spike? Link to Google’s Blog.

  1. It’s hard enough to get your site ranked in natural search. Why do people waste time and engery on this?

    I’m glad google is aware of and working on this issue.

    Comment by Yolanda C — January 29, 2007 @ 12:13 pm

  2. Scoble tells us today that pissing off the big boys and throwing yourself under a bus does not work, so I guess perhaps this is a safer direction.

    Comment by Jim Turner — January 29, 2007 @ 3:04 pm

  3. Thanks for this info

    Comment by Alexander — January 30, 2007 @ 2:14 pm

  4. a spike in traffic does NOT guarantee a spike in business, but it is nicer than the feeling of listening to crickets while you view your access logs 😉

    Comment by Roger — September 11, 2007 @ 10:39 am

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