February 21, 2025

Trick out your blog with a video Swicki

You may have noticed (and hopefully used!) Eurekster’s Swicki widget on the right column sidebar of this blog (under the heaading labeled “Buzz Cloud”). A couple more examples of swickis can be found on my personal blog and on my daughter’s blog.

A swicki is a topically-focused custom search engine where you can define the topics and the sites that it focuses on.

My favorite feature of the swicki is the “What’s Hot” buzz cloud, which I’ve blogged about before. It’s a very cool feature that visually conveys popular search terms in a tag cloud format.

The swicki widget can do image-based buzzclouds too. So instead of displaying keywords, you (the blogger or website owner) can choose to display images instead.

This month Eurekster rolled out another major enhancement to their swicki widget: video-based buzzclouds! So now you can add to your blog a video buzzcloud widget with a custom social video search engine, which pulls from over 14 million hours of video content from blinkx.

See an example video buzz cloud on the right.

Sign up for a free swicki widget (text, image, or video) and build your free, Eurekster-powered custom social search engine here.

2 comments for Trick out your blog with a video Swicki

  1. Excellent resource! Thank you for sharing. I’m going to implement this on my blog in the near future and if I enjoy it, I’ll roll it out to my client’s blogs!


    Erin Blaskie
    Business Services, ETC

    Comment by Erin Blaskie — October 26, 2007 @ 2:28 am

  2. Wow, thank you. I will try the “buzzclouds!” later on. Thanks for posting.

    Edward Palonek

    Comment by Edward Palonek — November 21, 2007 @ 9:52 am

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