February 21, 2025

Blog carnivals – a link building secret weapon

One thing which has been alluded to briefly here on BusinessBlogConsulting.com in a couple previous posts is blog carnivals — a relatively untapped opportunity for blog marketing and link building.

It was fellow Business Blog Consulting contributor Toby Bloomberg who first turned me on to blog carnivals. For those who aren’t aware of what a blog carnival is, it is a traveling column on a particular subject matter that is passed on from blog to blog, each blogger selecting a topic in that subject matter and including relevant resources accompanied by their own commentary about those resources. For example, there might be a blog carnival on nonprofit marketing and indeed there is. The members of the blog carnival rotate in and out, kind of like a column rotates. Here is an example post from a nonprofit marketing blog carnival.

Why should you care about blog carnivals? In short, because it’s a great way to grow your link popularity and thus your search rankings, and because it’ll also gain you visibility in the blogosphere amongst bloggers. This can be accomplished in two ways:

  1. First, by hosting a blog carnival, you garner links you wouldn’t otherwise have garnered from the other blog carnival hosts as well as other bloggers who follow that blog carnival (assuming of course your posts are of some value!).
  2. Second, even if you don’t join a blog carnival, you can submit your own posts to the current host for consideration in the next carnival post. For instance, in the example carnival post above on nonprofit marketing (which focused on “Creating and developing online communities through Web 2.0”), imagine if you had written a post on “How Nonprofits Can Use MySpace” and then gotten that post included in that week’s edition of the carnival — and all it would have taken is reaching out to the host via email to get on their radar.

Check out BlogCarnival.com, a directory of blog carnivals, to see if a blog carnival already exists for your industry or topic of interest.

6 comments for Blog carnivals – a link building secret weapon

  1. nice, this is the first time ive heard of a blog carnival. thanks for this blog! i really need a boost in links 🙂

    Comment by NeekoBoi — February 27, 2008 @ 10:28 pm

  2. Stephan – Blog Carnivals are one of the best kept “secrets” of a great way to promote your blog. In addition, since the “carnival host” chooses which posts to include if your post is included you have a halo effect that your post is of high quality .. giving you a bit of credibility within that community.

    Comment by Toby — February 28, 2008 @ 11:48 pm

  3. The only problem I have with BlogCarnival.com, is that you’re never really sure if, or WHEN you might have your submission posted.

    Looking through their list, I find a huge number of carnivals that haven’t been active for months.


    Comment by Pete — July 5, 2008 @ 4:56 am

  4. Thanks for the info. I’m new to this, would like to get involved, but I’m having a problem finding my topic discussed recently. Perhaps I’ll find a way to start my own carnival.

    Comment by Senior Guy from Life Insurance For Seniors — July 16, 2008 @ 6:32 am

  5. Great tip. I’ve checked out BlogCarnival.com and have submitted my latest article. Now, all that’s left is to check my stats and see how much traffic (if any) I get from each carnival.


    Comment by Hiram — July 20, 2008 @ 9:40 am

  6. Thanks for the new ideas!

    Comment by Roy Hewitt — July 22, 2008 @ 7:26 am

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