March 31, 2025

Do You Need a Blogging Regimen?

As a certified Business Blog Consultant–I’m still awaiting the paperwork, but I’ve been assured it’s on it’s way–I work with a number of businesses on their blog and other Web marketing strategies. Being a blog consultant is tricky; much of our work is up front.

We often design a blog, set it up on either WordPress or TypePad, strategize with the client, identify influential bloggers in their industries, and show them how to work the software.

Often, that’s where our work ends. Some of our clients blog regularly and see the expected, positive results and return on their investment. Others, unfortunately, put up one or two posts and begin the shame spiral of neglect.

Although I’ll sometimes nag a client who’s blog is whithering on the vine, there’s not much I can do–short of ghost blogging–to get their blog back in shape.

Which is why I wrote Jumpstart Your Blog: A Business Blogging Workout Regimen. The article reviews some blogging basics along with the amount of time new bloggers should spent on each activity.

I’m not sure if this is a salvo against abandoned blogs, a wake-up call to companies that have neglected their blog, or a reality check to people who are thinking about a blog but don’t realize the time and passion that needs to be committed to a successful business blog…I guess I’ll leave that up to you to decide.

If you do have a new or lapsed blog, perhaps all you need is a workout strategy. What do you do when it’s been a while since your last blog post?

5 comments for Do You Need a Blogging Regimen?

  1. Hey Rich, that’s a good point – a schedule is very important for successful blogging. Keeps you on track.

    BTW, what’s a “Certified Blogging Consultant”?

    Comment by Lee — March 4, 2008 @ 12:57 pm

  2. The big pet peeve I have with blogs that may have gone dormant for a while is the incessant apologies people make in posts. While it is great to be up front (hey I blew it & haven’t been here for a while or my life has been in turmoil & I am just getting back to posting), sometimes people take it a little too far.

    That’s why I advocate with people I work with to truly take stock of whether a blog is right for them with the ongoing commitment. Of course, like you share here, you can only lead a horse to water, you can’t make them drink (implement the ongoing strategy)

    Consistency is key… and I think the idea of a workout regimen for the blog is great!

    Comment by Paula G — March 5, 2008 @ 12:18 pm

  3. Lee,

    It’s funny, I hadn’t heard of the official certification either, but there it was on the back of a box of cereal.

    Three box tops and enough postage to get to and from Battle Creek, Michigan later and I’m a certified business blog consultant!

    Comment by Rich Brooks — March 5, 2008 @ 4:22 pm

  4. That’s a great idea. In fact it’s similar to what I usually recommend my readers and that is to maintain a checklist of things you ought to do daily or weekly. Example blog commenting, update your squidoo lens, forum posting. We all get too carried away with just doing one or two things without having a good balance of other important stuff.

    Peter Lee
    Work From Home Business Blog

    Comment by Work At Home Ideas — March 18, 2008 @ 7:09 pm

  5. An additional comment to further my concern over bloggers’ credibility, and you mentioned a good point here. Often we rely on search engines like Google, depend on which website pops up first on top then we click on the link for information. But we need more referees than that. Why not having a website that really introduce us based on some research who are the influencial bloggers and their backgrounds and get a billboard like hmv’s top 20, this time not for music but for bloggers? I’d check that website if there’s one.

    Comment by Kpat — May 18, 2008 @ 4:25 am

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