February 21, 2025

Passion’s the key ingredient in successful blogging

Not getting as much marketing power out of your blog as you’d hoped? The rules for successful blogging are the same whether you’re writing for personal or business reasons. First of all, you have to write about what you love or what you’re passionate about. When you write about what you are passionate about, readers will feel it too, and the entire process of writing will be more enjoyable as well. If you’re running out of topics or your blogging feels like a chore, then you should find a new angle on your work — one that you’re passionate about. Hopefully you love your work and your job, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to find things that are fun to write about, but sometimes it’s better that you concentrate on a specific aspect of your work that you’re particularly interested in.

If you have no passion for what you are writing about, why are you writing at all? Your entries will come across as boring or flat and you will not gain the readership your writing skills deserve. When you write about what you love, it is a lot easier to sound like an expert in your field. If you are not sure what you are passionate about, take the time to figure it out. You owe it to yourself, and your potential readers, to know and write about what makes you get out of bed in the morning. If your goal is to make money with a blog, write about what you love and the money (or sales) will follow… You will have more readers and will write better posts. Great content brings traffic/conversions and when you write about something you love it is difficult to write poorly.

What’s it like to read your favorite blogs? I’d have to say my all-time favorite blogger from a writing perspective is Fake Steve Jobs. Sure, he’s not even real, but he “keeps it real.” Every post is witty, and I love his creative use of language and his invented words (e.g. MicroTards, Freetards). The blog provides a little window into Steve Jobs’ psyche. Well okay, maybe not, since it’s actually being written by a Forbes magazine journo, but wouldn’t it be cool if it were the real Steve Jobs?

FSJ may not be the real Apple CEO, but Jonathan Schwartz definitely is the real CEO of Sun Microsystems, and his blog is an excellent example of great blogging. Jonathan posts about Sun projects that he finds exciting, and technology trends that he has an interest in. As a top-level industry insider, Jonathan makes you feel like you’re getting a unique perspective on information technology.

In the past I’ve held up science teacher Steve Spangler’s blog as an excellent example of business blogging, as well. Steve’s blog helps establish his expertise and showcase his brilliance, which keeps him busy in his various adventures. If you like science and haven’t visited Steve’s site yet, you’re missing out.

What are some of your favorite examples of passionate business or marketing blogs?

4 comments for Passion’s the key ingredient in successful blogging

  1. Stephan,

    I agree with this post and take it to heart. I must admit that sometimes when I am not passionate about a blog post, I see the difference. As a legal blogger, I follow several blogs, legal and non legal. Some of my favorites include, Blawg Review (a weekly blog carnival of legal bloggers), Real Lawyers have Blogs (written by the Blawg Guru Kevin Okeefe), New York Personal Injury Lawyer (Eric Turkewitz – one of the most dedicated PI lawyers in NY), Blawgletter (by Barry Barnett – The lawyer that always manages to add humor and make his readers enjoy the most serious subjects) Larry Bodine’s Legal Marketing Blog (This blog manages to inspire the legal marketing industry). Last but not least, Business Blog Consulting Blog (Information shared by several blogging and media experts serving different industries) I have so many more, but I will stop here. Your post has encouraged me to find the passion for all of my writing projects.

    Comment by Juliet Sallette — April 18, 2008 @ 8:13 am

  2. […] Passion’s the key ingredient in successful blogging : Business Blog Consulting […]

    Pingback by ML2 daily 04/19/2008 — April 19, 2008 @ 4:34 am

  3. I would add knowledge to passion.

    Comment by Terry Finley — April 20, 2008 @ 6:27 am

  4. […] a different note, in a cool piece on successful blogging, Stephan Spencer made some interesting comments: “When you write about what you are passionate about, readers will feel it too, and the […]

    Pingback by Are You Passionate About the Future? « — April 20, 2008 @ 8:12 pm

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