March 29, 2025

How Interactive is Your Blog? Measure It!

One of the coolest things about business blogging is the social interaction and community that is built when readers leave meaningful comments. Like a good story, a post elicits a response from the reader. As your community develops, the value of your brand increases. But this warm and fuzzy feeling that people get about your brand as they interact with you on your blog can be hard to measure and quantify. That’s where blog interaction metrics come in.

Building a blog to one or more interaction metrics can help you focus on what’s important – brand engagement.

Do you measure a successful post by the number of readers, bookmarks added to del.ic.ious, diggs, comments, number or quality of backlinks, or a combination of all the above? Some metrics have a place in your blog marketing scorecard, like number of comments. And some do not, like number of trackbacks (unless you like counting spammers — and that you could do all day!). Because the last thing you need is just more data for the sake of data.

Avinash Kaushik came up with some really nifty blog success metrics that really resonate with me. I bet they’ll resonate with you too. They are:

  • Raw author contribution (posts per month and words per post)
  • Audience growth (onsite & offsite, visitors and unique visitors)
  • “Conversion” rate (comments per post)
  • Citations (blog inlinks, Technorati rank)
  • Ripple Index (# of unique blogs linking to your blog)
  • Cost (time, hardware/software technology, opportunity cost
  • Benefit / ROI (comparative vs. direct vs. “non-traditional” vs. unquantifiable)

As you start measuring the above and then gauging the success of what you’re doing on your blog based on these metrics, you can tie your activities back to something more meaningful than just the “hits” you’re generating.

If you want to learn more about metrics, I encourage you to watch the archived recording of a “Website Metrics and ROI” webinar that Avinash and I presented last year. No registration required. Just click and watch (or download). It’s 100 minutes of the two of us talking about our favorite metrics — not just for blogging, but also email marketing, web marketing, search marketing, and more. And if you just want to scan over our Powerpoint slides before you invest 100 minutes of your time (and I don’t blame you — time is precious!), here’s the PPT file. Enjoy!

FeedBurner Blog Metrics

What blog metrics do you value most? How do your readers interact with you? Do you have any particular reporting tools you recommend? Your interactivity is welcome and invited.

5 comments for How Interactive is Your Blog? Measure It!

  1. Some really good metrics for a blog’s growth – tend to use Google Analytics as it is free! Be interested in seeing some free alternatives.

    Comment by Business A2Z — September 9, 2008 @ 11:37 am

  2. Just caught this post thanks to Mike Driehost via Twitter. I really like a lot of these measures, many of which I already use and a few that sound very intriguing. I’m going to consider how to incorporate them into the blog stats dashboard we’ve been using with our clients.

    I’d love for you to give it a look and let me know what you think. It’s open to everyone to download, use and modify.

    Comment by David Jones — September 12, 2008 @ 8:53 am

  3. Nice post!

    However, what I thought is the measure on audience growth should be refined to targeted audience growth.

    A visitor can come from anywhere from the internet but if he or she is not somebody whom the blog target, then the efforts will be wasted. Right?

    Also I think a business blog should also somehow take some measure on the online sale generated. Though it is understood that the sales will follow when all the above mentioned measures are in good shape.

    Comment by Hosting Review — October 10, 2008 @ 11:16 am

  4. I have a new blog and I’m wondering what is “Good, bad, average?” If you have a second, I would appreciate your input and feedback, thanks.


    Comment by Carl — October 24, 2008 @ 11:27 am

  5. I’d love to subscribe to your RSS feed, but it’s on the fritz

    Comment by juliemarg — October 26, 2008 @ 5:52 pm

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