December 21, 2024

Dreamhost Tells the Truth… and Keeps My Business

Posted by: of andrewbourland on 08/2/06

Over the past month I have had nothing but frustration with Dreamhost, who happens to be my ISP (Internet Service Provider). The server has been down or very slow for hours, seemingly days at a time. My email has been inaccessible on and off throughout the month. And to make things worse, I couldn’t even get through to their online support area to find out what was wrong.

Well, today I got their newsletter in which they included a link to their weblog, which went into excruciating detail about what their problems were for the month of July.

Here’s a link to the post.

A good lesson for all of us here is that when things go wrong in your company and customers are affected as I was, simply telling the truth about what happened and what you are doing to correct the situation is sufficient to keep their business and happy with you.

If only Dell would learn this lesson

1 comment for Dreamhost Tells the Truth… and Keeps My Business

  1. You’re right, Andew! It’s not so much as solving your customers’ problems but how you attend to or care for him while he was in such a situation. Many companies stand to learn from Dell and the others.

    Comment by Meikah Delid — August 8, 2006 @ 1:21 am

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