December 20, 2024

2007: What Some Experts Are Saying

Posted by: of One By One Media on 12/6/06

Over at SNCR, some of our fellow blog evangelists and experts are predicting what to expect in the coming year.  Our own Debbie Weil and Sally Falkow are quoted:

From Debbie Weil:

We’re unhooking from our computers and will be getting much more online info via our cell phones, PDAs, etc. Beware the marketer who doesn’t remember this and doesn’t format blog posts, etc. to be read
on a cell phone or Treo!

The corporate blogosphere has gone multi-media. If you’re not including podcasts, embedded video and cool images with your blog, then you’re soooo 2005.

From Sally Falkow:

This has been the year when RSS came into its own. The release of IE 7 with the reader built into the browser has finally made it really simple. Jupiter Research found that 30% of large companies are deploying RSS due to customer demand.

2007 will see an explosion of web content syndication with RSS and the sharing of content on social media sites. Already one in twenty web visits is to one of the top social media sites according to HitWise. And, these sites are driving traffic to search engines and verticals like travel and telecom.

Corporate communications professionals and PR agencies will have to wrap their wits around online PR and social media.

I would be curious what the rest of the group here thinks will be the outcome of 2007?  What are some of your predictions for the Blogging Future?

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2 comments for 2007: What Some Experts Are Saying

  1. Blog Prognostications for 2007…

    Some of the Fellows over at the Society for New Communications Research (SNCR) have made predictions about blogging in the year ahead. (BTW, I use the term “Fellows” as a proper noun, because it’s some of SNCR’s Research Fellows of which I speak.) …

    Trackback by Strategic Business Blogging — December 8, 2006 @ 9:20 am

  2. Certainly the percentage of small and large companies with blogs will increase, as will the level of involvement with blogs among businesses (making comments on blogs, monitoring blogs, etc.).

    Comment by Easton Ellsworth — December 22, 2006 @ 12:03 pm

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