March 31, 2025

Jumpstart Traffic to Your Blog with these Web 2.0 Steps

I stumbled upon this post about 5 Steps to Jumpstart Your Website [or blog] over at College Startup.

It leans heavily on Web 2.0 sites like Reddit and Digg and some upstart called Netscape. However, if you’re looking to reach a new audience this post has the links you’ll need to try out.

I took the author’s advice and posted Top-Level Domain Survey (or what to do when your .com is taken) to his number one recommendation and got about 30 hits in 30 minutes from the source. Not bad for 2 minutes of work. (Not including the hour or so I put into creating the survey and blogging about it.)

YMMV depending on your audience, post and title.

3 comments for Jumpstart Traffic to Your Blog with these Web 2.0 Steps

  1. Thanks Rich. I’m always looking to reach a new audience – at least expand on what I have now. I’ll head over and check it out.

    Comment by Dawud Miracle — February 20, 2007 @ 7:48 am

  2. Good tips. Depending on what your content is, you wouldn’t want to use some of the bookmarking sites mentioned because it’s the wrong population.

    For example, is a techy site and are not very fond of submissions not having to do with video games, Apple computers, or technology. Netscape on the other hand is a wonderful bookmarking site that tends to favor politics a bit, but it’s been very successful for me in the Careers and Jobs category.

    Thought I’d share 🙂 Great site by the way, I came via MyBlogLog. I joined your community.

    Comment by Jane May — April 14, 2007 @ 10:36 pm

  3. Great tip. I would also add a couple more places to submit. But those two a biggies for sure.

    Comment by Al Greb — March 28, 2008 @ 12:38 am

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