December 21, 2024

Autoblog: Chrysler watches blogs for buzz

Posted by: of on 08/10/04

This story prompts me to add a new archive category: “Blogs as Intelligence.” I know lots of companies are doing this, but this is the first time I’ve noted it.

Autoblog’s David Thomas notes “In an otherwise innocuous story about marketing and designing the new 300 sedan Chrysler executive Jeff Bell said ‚ÄúWe do a lot of monitoring of blogs.”

Let me also take this opportunity to say, on a personal note, I hate this car. It is so piggish looking. I imagine its drivers must be nouveau riche guys with thick necks who made their money in construction or something. Just an opinion (but isn’t that what blogs are for?).

Autoblog: Chrysler watches blogs for buzz

2 comments for Autoblog: Chrysler watches blogs for buzz

  1. Amen! It’s got to be the ugliest thing extant. I saw a white one leaving the airport the other day — it looked like a squashed loaf of bread on wheels.

    Comment by Trudy W. Schuett — August 10, 2004 @ 2:44 pm

  2. I’ve had my eyes on the 300M since it first came out. This year I’m in the market for a new car. I hadn’t seen the new look until I got to the dealership. UGH. It went from, in my opinion, a cool looking car that would be fun for this 38 year old to drive, to a rich grandpa’s car. Sorry, not ready for that yet and when I am I’ll get a Cadillac.

    Comment by john — August 11, 2004 @ 4:32 am

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