February 22, 2025

About Contributor Tris Hussey

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A View from the Isle
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Professional blogger and blog consultant. Advising Partner, One By One Media LLC

Posts by Tris:

Preliminary Results from the Personal Info on Biz Blogs survey

Posted by: of A View from the Isle on on 08/10/05
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Wow, this is really cool.  This survey seems to have really taken off!  I’ve already seen a couple links to my posts about this in other languages!  To that end, Amy is continually updating the results on Contentious and has an index to her on-going discussion of the results.
And if you haven’t taken the survey yet … the up to date link to the survey is in this post.
I’m really glad this has struck a chord.  I hope more people take the survey and blog about it—and the results.
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Does personal info belong on a business blog?

Posted by: of A View from the Isle on on 08/9/05
Recently Amy and I revealed stuff about ourselves on our personal/business blogs.  Amy and I both caught some flak for it.  Which got Amy and I to talking about the issue of personal info on "business blogs".  When is it okay to post personal information on your business blog?  Or is it okay at all?  Amy and I talked about stuff that was once only whispered or just not talked about.  I think we both feel good about what we wrote, I know I do.  But how do you feel about it?  Well, Amy wants to find out!  She wrote a great survey and talked about the details on her blog—Contentious » Survey- Online Professional-Personal.  So, take a gander.
This is another one of the transition
points in blogging and business blogging.  We’re looking at tough
questions.  This goes beyond getting fired.  It goes beyond posting
frequencies.  It gets to social and business norms.  It gets down to,
how many blogs do I need to write about all that I want to write
about.  Do I have one blog with a category called personal stuff?  Do I
have six personal blogs to cover ranges of topics (the answer to your
question is, yes I do)?  This kind of questioning is good and really
helps all of us be better bloggers, IMHO.  I can’t wait to see the
Why now?  Why should we care?  The
problem is, I think, that blogs started off as very personal efforts.
We knew about peoples’ struggles.  We knew about their lives.  Then as
business blogging  grew
people started setting up rules for themselves, and others.  Is that
limiting?  Are there rules.  What about when something great happens in
your life?  Or bad?  It’s obvious from this blog and my others that I
have rules.  Sometimes I break or bend them.  Some rules aren’t ever
broken.  Amy, and I, really want to know … please fill out the
survey.  Hey it’s only 10 questions.  Go on, it’s easy.
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Let’s Help a Courageous Woman …

Posted by: of A View from the Isle on on 08/5/05

It’s odd the connections we make on the Blogosphere.  Cary of Cancer NewsWatch pinged us while we were guest blogging for Darren. As often happens we became blog buddies. His wife Lori has cancer.  She also has a blog—Too sexy for my hair- a young woman’s cancer blog. Please read her story.

Does this post sound a bit strange to you on a business blog? We talk about building community online. We talk about building relationships through blogs. This isn’t your typical BusinessBlogConsulting post.  This isn’t about business at all.  It’s about being human, it’s about doing what we can as people who when others need our help.

Lori and Cary are going through some especially hard times right now. They need the support of their online friends.

What can we do?  We can do a lot.  We can show what “community”
really means. Online or offline. We can subscribe to Lori’s and Cary’s
blogs.  We can read them.  We can click ad links.  We can lend
expertise.  We can support them. 

We may not be able to bring them brownies, or a lasagna, but as
virtual neighbors we can stop by for a visit and leave a supportive
comment.  By the way, Cary and Lori did not ask us to write this post.
We just felt it was the right thing to do.

Remember the line, oft used in superhero movies, "with great power
comes great responsibility"? This is our way of trying to help.

Signed Tris & Toby

IceRocket Link Tracker is final, public, live and oh so cool!

Posted by: of A View from the Isle on on 08/4/05
I’ve been playing with IceRocket’s new Link Tracker script for a couple weeks now, as you may have noticed on three of my blogs (View from the Isle, Qumana Blog, and Qumana Investors).  Yesterday it went live an final.  There are two way to implement it.  If you run your own server and it can run php scripts, then you can choose a local server-side option.  This one should be faster and more configurable then what I’m running which is a JavaScript and iFrame version.  So set up.  For the way I’m doing it, it takes just a couple minutes to do.
I’ve written some instructions on the Qumana blog for how to implement it on Blogware-powered blogs.
Now the question you might be asking yourself is, why pray tell, should I do this?  Because it’s so freaking cool!  No, wait, that’s the geek in me talking.  The reason why is that this is an easy way to gauge the buzz/splash/etc your posts are making in the Blogosphere and let your readers/visitors know too.  Sure, like most folks, I’d say the majority of your links will show 0 Linking posts or 1 Linking posts, but that’s okay.  For the times when you do have a really cool post … it’s all there.  This doesn’t replace trackbacks or the RSS-powered searches you have going, this is just another tool in your kit.  And it doesn’t rely on people pinging on trackbacks to show buzz.
So go! Go now—Link Tracker – IceRocket!
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This is more than just a blog re-birth …

Posted by: of A View from the Isle on on 08/2/05
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It hit me.  Hit me like the proverbial ton of bricks, maybe harder.  I was writing about Scoble taking a break for the week and Jeremy un-subbing from the “A-list” for the Qumana blog— Qumana Blog the new blog paradigm—talking about the new paradigm of blogging and, by extension, business blogging.  I started thinking about this site’s re-birth and it hit me, this is the new paradigm.  What do we have here?  We have a group of contribution authors, writing on their own, on a specific topic.  We’ve all been invited to do this.  We all have made names for ourselves.  We’re all contributing to a larger whole, making this blog into a “must-read” blog—together.
Sure this isn’t all of the new paradigm, but this is a huge new thing.  An instant magazine.  Minimal start up costs.  Instant, world-wide distribution.
The Blogosphere at it’s best.  And I’m so damn proud to be here.  Rick and Paul, thank you.
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Our favourite case study tells their side: Kryptonite speaks.

Posted by: of A View from the Isle on on 07/31/05
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Thanks to      B.L. for this link to a good (not great, good) interview with the PR person from Kryptonite about that little PR problem they had (understatement of the year, I know)—Naked Conversations- Kryptonite Argues Its Case.  The interview is just good and not great, because I was expecting (hoping for) a little more (okay a lot) transparency from Kryptonite spokeswoman.  I still have to wonder how they didn’t know about being able to pick these super-locks with a freakin’ Bic pen.  That being said, she did admit that they blew it.  They don’t, and rightly so, feel a blog would’ve solved the problem.  It would’ve helped for sure.  What they are doing now is monitoring the Blogosphere more closely.  That’s a good thing.  Proves my earlier point … you have to keep close tabs on the Blogosphere.  Watch your brand and your people.  I think now that Kryptonite has come out publicly and said this—the Blogosphere’s favourite case study and whipping boy—other companies should start to take noticed.
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