January 20, 2025


Posted by: of ExecutiveSummary.com on 04/19/04

CEO Henry Copeland launched this do-it-yourself ad network for blogs nearly two years ago, and at that time there was a fair bit of skepticism that the business would ever pan out. Well, it has. The service now has more than 200 blogs using the system, each of which has at least 3,000 ad impressions each week. Some, such as InstaPundit and DailyKos, have millions of readers per month. The service has proven particularly popular with political advertisers — more than two dozen candidates in the presidental and other races have used it to reach political junkies through blogs. But many smaller and medium-sized companies are also find blogs a great way to advertise niche products. Blogs are ideal “for products that have a sensibility, not commodities, those looking to find audiences with a particular mindset,” Copeland said. Some of the biggest bloggers using the system are now earning thousands of dollars a month in advertising.

I have counseled BlogAds about its overall business strategy.


1 comment for BlogAds

  1. Thank you for supporting us early Rick, when most people thought ads on blogs were as unlikely to succeed as catsup on caviar. As I recall, you wrote a glowing review not long after we launched and were, in fact, the first to buy a blogad on my own weblog.

    Comment by henry — April 20, 2004 @ 6:24 am

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